Friday, August 19, 2011

3 day weekends rock!

Finished week 2! Onto another 3 day weekend. Nothing planned for this one, so we'll see what happens. Today I slept in ridiculously late.... well, slept/laid in bed not sleeping/reading/sleeping again. I couldn't motivate myself to move. At the same time, I felt guilty for wasting daylight hours. Whackadoodle. I finally got motivated and went for a walk, while talking on the phone of course :).  Showered up, ran some errands. Highlight of my day was when the cute boy at Starbucks gave me my latte for free since I let a girl go in front of me... and she had 8 drink orders.  Pays to be nice :) ! He also gave me a coupon for another free drink: aka,  I will go back in and see him :) 
This week, all in all, went really well. I got my feet wet by doing a lot of evals/screens/treats on other floors. When I was back in ICU yesterday (my CI was over his pneumonia... mostly) I was more comfortable doing them in there. I think the weirdest part for me right now is learning how to do an assessment on someone who is non-responsive. To me, I automatically think "What information could I possibly get from this person?" However,  my CI can go in, cranial nerve test, estimate a GCS, assess vitals, and range/MMT. It's definitely a strange process and new way of doing things to learn. I am enjoying it though.
I miss all of my friends from home terribly, and I can't wait to see my family again... people, get on skype! I'm 100% always willing to Skype chat :)

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